Dedicated to All Who are Fighting the Good Fight

(ESV) 1 Tim 6: 11-12 11But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 12Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What does it mean to be a saint of Christ?

When we say that Jesus Christ is Lord what does that one sentence mean? Come on what Lord are you talking about? All my life I've only read about Lord in the history books and used as some title in history books for some royalty. But this man on the cross who died and rose again as Lord? Why do I even believe this? Am I now living in a protracted state of suspension of belief?

I think not, as sure as God is sovereign and I a justified and sanctified sinner, he is faithful to call those whom he will and have mercy on who he choses and yet harden whomever he wills. This sweet good news of his BIGness and man's smallness is a great fragrance to my soul, though I still doubt I understand it's entirety, I am assured of that he is the planner of everything and when Jesus Christ comes again he will know all his saints. Romans 9:16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. Oh if only I could grasp Romans 9 more.

Sigh with that said I'm looking forward to this year's Thinking Theologically Conference 2010 , definately a must go for all who know their calling under Christ or are unsure of what that means biblically. It's rare that we get these ROCK SOLID & MIND NURTURING conferences in Malaysia at such an affordable price that it's almost a crime not to promote it better! Here's my late attempt to promote it anyways haha!

It's where I found out that I was an arminian/ pelagian and introduced to that sweet TULIP. Not that I grasp it completely but thanks be to God he shall teach, reproof, correct and train us all who are chosen in Christ.

Anyway here's the list of electives WOHOO!

Topics and Electives

A. Historical positions on the doctrine

  1. The Inerrancy vs Infallibility Debate
  2. Roman Catholicism and Scripture from the Reformation on
  3. Sola Scriptura - what the Reformation was founded on
  4. Scripture and Canon - The History of the Councils and scripture in the Reformation argument
  5. Barth and the Word of God

B. Contemporary culture and thought affecting the doctrine

  1. Culture and Scriptural interpretation - A case study on homosexuality (and women's ordination)
  2. A question of authority - Liberals and the attack on Scripture
  3. Charismatics and Scripture from the Radical Reformers on
  4. The use of the Bible for/in politics - from Wilberforce to South Africa to Malaysia
  5. Postmodernism and the Word of God

C. Christian living and practical theological thinking

  1. The Bible and English Translations
  2. Exegetical Fallacies workshop
  3. Muslims and Scripture
  4. Doctrine of Scripture in the Great Creeds and the role of this doctrine in the proper functioning of a church
  5. Scripture and Evangelism - the use of Scripture in preaching and evangelism – do’s and don’ts'
  6. The authority of Scripture in Song
  7. Scripture and preaching and church
Hope you can join us brethren.

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